Calendar of Events
Event Details
Living at Peace with our Un-peacefulness. Post Traumatic Stress, Military and combat trauma are more than just a set of psychological symptoms, such as sleeplessness, anxiety, and depression.
Event Details
Living at Peace with our Un-peacefulness.
Post Traumatic Stress, Military and combat trauma are more than just a set of psychological symptoms, such as sleeplessness, anxiety, and depression. The more fundamental injuries are moral and spiritual in nature. Mindfulness-Meditation provides a road map that can support the practitioner in navigating a road to living at peace with un-peacefulness.
In this retreat we will learn meditation practices that are rooted in our daily life activities. These meditation practices can support us in coming to terms with the emotional, spiritual, and moral wounds of our training and combat services. Hundreds of Veterans have found these retreats invaluable in discovering how to live at peace with our un-peacefulness.
In Vietnam Claude AnShin Thomas, native of Pennsylvania, survived as a helicopter crew chief being shot down five times. On the fifth occasion, in mid-1967, he was shot down in the Mekong Delta. The pilot and commander were killed, and the gunner and Thomas were wounded. Thomas received 25 Air Medals, the equivalent of 625 combat hours, and 625 combat missions. Thomas also received the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Purple Heart.
1995 Claude AnShin Thomas became fully ordained as a Zen Buddhist in the Japanese Soto Zen tradition. He is the author of AT HELL’S GATE: A Soldier’s Journey from War to Peace (Shambhala 2004) and Bringing Meditation to Life (Oakwood Publishing, 2021). He has taken vows of mendicancy, meaning that he is reliant on the generosity of others for his sustenance. He has no permanent home but serves others through almost constant travel. So, the years and months of COVID have provided quite some challenges to this lifestyle.
A $50 fee/per person, $100/couple will be required at time of registration and will be refunded a week after completion of the retreat. If you cancel 2 weeks or less leading up to retreat, are a no-show or leave before the completion of Retreat your Deposit will not be refunded. Our retreats are 100% drug and alcohol free.
Lodging, meals, and activities are provided at no cost, but participants must arrange their own transportation to and from Grotonwood in Groton, Mass. Check-in 3:00 PM.
Please send questions to Sue at or call 508-762-9738
Retreat registration closes two weeks prior to the start date.
Proof of Military Service (no exceptions). Military ID, DD-214, VA Health Care Card or Driver’s License with “Veteran” on license will be required before attending retreat.
Mail, fax or email Proof of Military Service.
Project New Hope Inc.
70 James Street, Suite 129A
Worcester, MA 01603
Fax: 508-304-9245
April 18, 2025 - April 20, 2025 (All Day)(GMT-04:00)
Grotonwood Conference Center
167 Prescott St, Groton, MA 01450
March 2025
April 2025
Event Details
Event Details
April 5, 2025 9:00 am - 12:00 pm(GMT-04:00)
70 James Street, Suite 129A, Worcester, MA 01603
Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series
Event Details
Living at Peace with our Un-peacefulness. Post Traumatic Stress, Military and combat trauma are more than just a set of psychological symptoms, such as sleeplessness, anxiety, and depression.
Event Details
Living at Peace with our Un-peacefulness.
Post Traumatic Stress, Military and combat trauma are more than just a set of psychological symptoms, such as sleeplessness, anxiety, and depression. The more fundamental injuries are moral and spiritual in nature. Mindfulness-Meditation provides a road map that can support the practitioner in navigating a road to living at peace with un-peacefulness.
In this retreat we will learn meditation practices that are rooted in our daily life activities. These meditation practices can support us in coming to terms with the emotional, spiritual, and moral wounds of our training and combat services. Hundreds of Veterans have found these retreats invaluable in discovering how to live at peace with our un-peacefulness.
In Vietnam Claude AnShin Thomas, native of Pennsylvania, survived as a helicopter crew chief being shot down five times. On the fifth occasion, in mid-1967, he was shot down in the Mekong Delta. The pilot and commander were killed, and the gunner and Thomas were wounded. Thomas received 25 Air Medals, the equivalent of 625 combat hours, and 625 combat missions. Thomas also received the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Purple Heart.
1995 Claude AnShin Thomas became fully ordained as a Zen Buddhist in the Japanese Soto Zen tradition. He is the author of AT HELL’S GATE: A Soldier’s Journey from War to Peace (Shambhala 2004) and Bringing Meditation to Life (Oakwood Publishing, 2021). He has taken vows of mendicancy, meaning that he is reliant on the generosity of others for his sustenance. He has no permanent home but serves others through almost constant travel. So, the years and months of COVID have provided quite some challenges to this lifestyle.
A $50 fee/per person, $100/couple will be required at time of registration and will be refunded a week after completion of the retreat. If you cancel 2 weeks or less leading up to retreat, are a no-show or leave before the completion of Retreat your Deposit will not be refunded. Our retreats are 100% drug and alcohol free.
Lodging, meals, and activities are provided at no cost, but participants must arrange their own transportation to and from Grotonwood in Groton, Mass. Check-in 3:00 PM.
Please send questions to Sue at or call 508-762-9738
Retreat registration closes two weeks prior to the start date.
Proof of Military Service (no exceptions). Military ID, DD-214, VA Health Care Card or Driver’s License with “Veteran” on license will be required before attending retreat.
Mail, fax or email Proof of Military Service.
Project New Hope Inc.
70 James Street, Suite 129A
Worcester, MA 01603
Fax: 508-304-9245
April 18, 2025 - April 20, 2025 (All Day)(GMT-04:00)
Grotonwood Conference Center
167 Prescott St, Groton, MA 01450
Event Details
Experience whole body benefits through the Feet. Project New Hope, Inc., is happy to partner with Natural Pathways to offer eight 30-minute
Event Details
Experience whole body benefits through the Feet. Project New Hope, Inc., is happy to partner with Natural Pathways to offer eight 30-minute reflexology sessions to Veterans and Family members. Veterans’ Reflexology will be held on the fourth Tuesday of each month, starting in August 2024, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Please call our Worcester office to schedule your appointment today! (774) 243-7859
April 22, 2025 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT-04:00)
70 James Street, Suite 129A, Worcester, MA 01603
May 2025
Event Details
Do you struggle with PTS, Guilt, Anger, Fear, Physical Pain, or Limiting Beliefs? The Cortina Method (TCM), delivered by Trauma Resolution Expert Michael Cortina and his team, resolves
Event Details
Do you struggle with PTS, Guilt, Anger, Fear, Physical Pain, or Limiting Beliefs?
The Cortina Method (TCM), delivered by Trauma Resolution Expert Michael Cortina and his team, resolves & dissolves these problem areas.
Based on neuroscience, TCM is Brain-Based Healing that helps people get over trauma, WITHOUT having to relive ANY pain.
Replace pain with joy, gratitude, relief, and excitement.
Enjoy equine therapy, holistic yoga, Reiki, and reflexology.
Learn more about Michael Cortina and The Cortina Method at his website
Lodging, meals, and activities are provided to participants at no cost. A registration fee of $50 will be refunded one week after the completion of the retreat. You must arrange for your own transportation.
Space is limited to 10 women.
Please send questions to Sue at or call (508) 762-9738
May 1, 2025 - May 5, 2025 (All Day)(GMT-04:00)
Genesis Conference Center
53 Mill St, Westfield, MA 01085
August 2025
Event Details
Do you struggle with PTS, Guilt, Anger, Fear, Physical Pain, or Limiting Beliefs? The Cortina Method (TCM), delivered by Trauma Resolution Expert Michael Cortina and his team, resolves
Event Details
Do you struggle with PTS, Guilt, Anger, Fear, Physical Pain, or Limiting Beliefs?
The Cortina Method (TCM), delivered by Trauma Resolution Expert Michael Cortina and his team, resolves & dissolves these problem areas.
Based on neuroscience, TCM is Brain-Based Healing that helps people get over trauma, WITHOUT having to relive ANY pain.
Replace pain with joy, gratitude, relief, and excitement.
Enjoy equine therapy, holistic yoga, Reiki, and reflexology.
Learn more about Michael Cortina and The Cortina Method at his website
Lodging, meals, and activities are provided to participants at no cost. A registration fee of $50 will be refunded one week after the completion of the retreat. You must arrange for your own transportation.
Space is limited to 10 men.
Please send questions to Sue at or call (508) 762-9738.
August 7, 2025 - August 11, 2025 (All Day)(GMT-04:00)
Genesis Conference Center
53 Mill St, Westfield, MA 01085
Event Details
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Join us for our 11th Annual “Salute Our Veterans” Motorcycle Ride on Saturday, August 16, 2025 Wagner Motorsports, 460 Southbridge St Auburn,
Event Details
Join us for our 11th Annual “Salute Our Veterans” Motorcycle Ride on Saturday, August 16, 2025
Wagner Motorsports,
460 Southbridge St
Auburn, MA 01501
Check-in begins at 9:30 AM.
Kickstands up at 11:30 AM.
Fun & Food until 4:00 PM.
Ride ends at Vernon Hill American Legion Post #435,
267 Providence Street,
Worcester, MA 01607.
All proceeds will benefit local Veterans by funding programs through Project New Hope, Inc.
Police Escorted Ride
Lunch by Texas Roadhouse
Music by Far From Eden
And much more!
Sponsorship Information:
Platinum Sponsor: $1000, 4 Ride Tickets and 4 tee-shirts, Logo on back of ride tee-shirt, 4 catered lunch admissions, Logo included on the banner hung at lunch site. Company logo on social media Platforms, Special recognition from podium at opening ceremony & lunch.
Gold Sponsor: $500, 2 Ride tickets and 2 tee-shirts, Logo on the back of ride tee-shirt, 2 catered lunch admissions, Logo included on banner hung at lunch site, Company logo on social media Platforms, Special recognition from the podium at lunch.
Silver Sponsor: $250, 1 Ride ticket and one tee-shirt, Logo on back of ride tee-shirt, one catered lunch admission, Company logo on social media platforms.
RIDE with US!
The deadline for sponsor artwork / logo submissions is July 17, 2024.
All artworks should be submitted either as a .JPEG or .TIF.
Files should be sent to Mike Booth at or 978-833-9801
Please make a check made payable to: Project New Hope, Inc.
Mail it to:
Project New Hope, Inc
70 James Street, Suite 155
Worcester, MA 01603
Click Here to Register
August 16, 2025 9:30 am - 4:00 pm(GMT-04:00)
Wagner Motorsports
460 Southbridge St, Auburn, MA 01501
August 16, 2025 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm(GMT-04:00)
Heritage Country Club
85 Sampson Rd, Charlton, MA 01507
November 2025
Event Details
First Responders are invited to take a transformative step toward healing and resilience with workshops and therapies designed to resolve trauma,
Event Details
First Responders are invited to take a transformative step toward healing and resilience with workshops and therapies designed to resolve trauma, calm the mind, and regain joy. You answer the call for Americans 24 hours a day. This retreat is designed to provide a safe, supportive, and healing environment.
Everyone who attends will benefit from The Cortina Method (TCM), led by Trauma Resolution Expert Michael Cortina and his team. TCM helps resolve the trauma that leads to PTS, guilt, anger, fear, physical pain, or limiting beliefs. It offers a neuroscience-based solution for healing without requiring participants to relive any traumatic experiences.
Enjoy equine therapy, holistic yoga, Reiki, and reflexology, and other holistic wellness practices. Learn more about Michael Cortina and The Cortina Method at his website
Space is Limited: Only ten spots are available. Participants are responsible for arranging their own transportation to the retreat location.
After you submit your application, a Project New Hope team member will contact you to complete a phone interview, which is required to confirm attendance. Per the instructions during the phone interview, you will need to submit a copy of your employer identification card or DD214.
Lodging, meals, and activities are all provided at no cost to participants. There is a $50 dollar registration fee that is refunded one week after the completion of the retreat. You must arrange your own transportation to and from Westfield, MA.
Please send questions to Sue at or call (508) 762-9738.
Priority Enrollment: First Responders who have not attended a Project New Hope retreat will receive priority consideration.
Join us in taking this step toward healing, resilience, and rediscovering joy in life.
November 6, 2025 - November 10, 2025 (All Day)(GMT-04:00)
Genesis Conference Center
53 Mill St, Westfield, MA 01085